The property that has been Alaya Preschool’s home for 46 years is going to be sold.

Our beautiful garden home, so carefully tended by generations of families and children, is deeply connected to our philosophy of play-based contemplative preschool education.

We need your help.

With the help of Alaya’s community of families both past and present, supporters from the greater Boulder community, and the Shambhala community, we must raise $2.2 million by June 2025.

Our story

Since 1978, Alaya has served over 1,000 students.  

Children enter as two-year-old toddlers and move together with their dedicated teachers through the three year curriculum grounded in mindfulness. They are guided to become a good friend and a caring steward of their community. They grow to be self-confident five-year-olds who have the skills and belief in themselves to move on to kindergarten and on to a life centered in the invaluable emotional skills they built at Alaya.

These graduates often return to Alaya as volunteers, as teachers in the very rooms where they were once students, and as parents who insist that their children get to experience the same magic that they did as preschoolers.

Over the past 46 years, the land surrounding the building has been lovingly  crafted for children, with flowers, gardens and trees which now tower over the play areas, transforming them into an ideal environment for preschool children to connect with nature, each other and themselves.

Our Challenge

Until now, Naropa University has owned the land and served as our parent organization. Alaya Preschool was an integral part of their now discontinued Early Childhood Education Program. 

Naropa needs to sell the property and Alaya now must become its own independent 501(c)(3) organization. We will be able to continue to fundraise under Naropa’s nonprofit status as we work to secure our own 501(c)(3) designation.

Naropa has given Alaya through June 2025 to raise $2.2 million to purchase the property.

Otherwise, it will be sold on the open market.

Our Future

Alaya Preschool will be carried forward by our newly formed Future of Alaya 501c3. With our successful fundraising campaign, we will purchase the current property.

Alaya will be its own entity supported by a committed board and executive director.

Our long-term dedicated teachers and staff will continue to provide the exemplary care and community that has supported families and children for the last 46 years.
Alaya Preschool will continue and grow into its next half century of serving the Boulder community. 

“Alaya has been true to its Sanskrit meaning, the nurturing ground of all beautiful seeds of basic goodness.

As an Alaya supporter, I treasure this preschool as the cultural and educational ground for good human society that we all yearn for so much.

My children and grandchildren flourished and discovered their most marvelous qualities in their years at Alaya, and have carried those qualities into their entire lives.

Let’s not lose this precious resource!”

Judith Simmer Brown

Donate Today

Visit our GiveButter page to make a donation.

Learn how to make your money go further with Colorado Childcare Tax Credit benefit.

How You Can Help

Attend an Event!

Mark your calendar for events that highlight the importance of our school and help us raise funds to keep it in its home.

Become an Alaya Ambassador

Multiply your impact on Alaya’s future. Assist us in reaching more people who will want to help save this Boulder institution. You will learn how to invite your friends and acquaintances to our benefit concert.

Become a Major Investor

Become a part of Alaya’s future with a major gift. Learn about the Colorado Childcare Tax Credit benefit. Place your family’s name on a building, play space, or cherished landmark at Alaya.


Alaya Preschool is a qualified childcare facility for the State of Colorado, which means that your donation up to $200,000, qualifies for a 50% Colorado Child Care Contribution Tax Credit (CCCC). This credit was established to incentivize monetary contributions which promote child care in Colorado.

*This information should not be construed as tax advice, and as always, you should consult your tax advisors for the most accurate information. 

Meet the Fundraising Team

  • Rachel Steele

  • Kaitlyn Sullivan

  • Paige Doughty

  • Jane Sykes Wilson

  • Kasia Szewczyk

  • Olivia Phipps

“To say that this preschool is life changing is an understatement. It's the nurturing environment that all little ones deserve at this age.”

Madison Dimovio

(Alaya Parent)

Attend an Event

Ratna Rumpus

Alaya Preschool’s
Fall Fundraiser

Saturday, October 12th
10am - 12pm


Fall Market

Saturday, October 12th
10am - 3pm

“Alaya has brought such joy, love, and community to our lives, so we knew we needed to step up to help keep Alaya open for not only our youngest daughter but also for future generations of children and families. We decided that our best bet was to ask our extended family for support, so we reached out to grandparents, aunts, uncles, and siblings and asked them to give to us directly. We then took full advantage of the Colorado Childcare Tax Credit and were able to double all the donations. With that strategy, we are thrilled to be able to donate $30,000 to help save Alaya!”

- The Gibbons Family

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